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"Did Ye? Aye?"

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Translation 'The Skill Ups'

Becoming a successful mantrailing team involves many different skills.


We believe these skills should be learnt as individual components, before incorporating them into the trail. Our skill up sessions will break each skill into small, achievable exercises to ensure success at every stage, and ensure your dog understands each component. 

These sessions will focus on skills such as; scent discrimination, indications, night trailing, the art of the trail layer, to name a few. Learn the skills as a team and then incorporate them into your trails.


Think of your skill up sessions as training FOR the situation rather than training directly IN the situation. Just like all dog training, learning and proofing the foundations are key to success.  


Skill up sessions can be booked directly on the All Wagged Out and Cheeky Wee Rascals websites. 

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